Tuesday, March 31, 2009

post Chico Mendes Seminar

This past sunday Kreation hosted a seminar by Chico Mendes at Budo Academy. Mendes conducted 2 fantastic sessions (gi and no-gi) that covered takedowns, guard passes, chokes, etc etc. Very insightful details on common positions were imparted, and participants sure had a fruitful time.

Cristiano and Chico

Thanks to joanne, our ever trustworthy photographer for snapping pic after pic.


Fang said...

Parabens Chico! I'm sure the seminar was as awesome as the KL one!

I just noticed that Cristiano is sporting the army crew cut now, did the Singapore army draft him for NS? Hehe


Kreation Jiu-Jitsu said...

LOL! Cristiano was just telling us how his wife thought he looks like a US marine.